Nurit is a certified coach and a member of the Israel Coaches Association.
She has a BA degree from the New York School of Visual Art and worked as a graphic designer at MTV, New York and various companies in Milan-Italy and Lausanne-Switzerland.
Eight years ago, upon returning to Israel, she decided to engage in a field that has significant human connection and enrolled for personal coaching studies at the Adler Institute.
After her studies, and together with the establishment of her private clinic, she felt a growing desire to volunteer and to make a contribution to social change through an organization with significant activities in the community.
"When an email arrived from the Adler Institute, in which a call was sent to coaches to join an association whose goal is to help released prisoners integrate into society, I knew that this was exactly what I was looking for.”
“I believe that everyone deserves a second chance.”
“Most of the people who find themselves in prison have a difficult life story. A childhood that led them to behave in an abusive manner. No child dreams of going to jail when he grows up. We as a society have the ability to give them the opportunity to rehabilitate themselves, to reach out and help them find their way back to a normal life, and to be part of the community. This is our duty. This is their right.”